COVID-19 Vaccine Update

I’ve been wanting to give an update on vaccines, so this will be a large post giving an update on the recent happenings.   ???????: Reminder that this is an mRNA vaccine, requiring cold storage at -20C. Today they released (by press) their primary efficacy data that showed of 196 COVID-19 cases, of which 185

Quarantine vs Isolate? And for how long?

??? ???? ???? ??? ?????????? ?? ??????? ???? ???? ?? ??? ???? ????? ??????????? . This has been a topic of discussion a fair amount lately, especially with kids going back to school and the POTUS’ testing positive for Covid-19. How long does one quarantine for? That brings me to my first point: does one

Re-infection Take 2

I want to quickly write a post on the recent case of re-infection coming out of the US. Specifically about the re-infection in a 25-yr old <2 months later, with worse symptoms second time around. Genetic discordance between the two infections was greater than explained by short-term in vivo evolution, ie, presumably two separate infections.

Transmission Risk as a Continuum

I’ve written before how risk of exposure to SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes Covid-19) is a continuum and that there are no exact risk thresholds for say duration of contact or appropriate distance. For instance, wearing a mask reduces risk but doesn’t eliminate it. It is the same with distancing. 6ft may not be sufficient