CDC Update: Adverse Event Safety Update in 5-11
December 16, 2021
Collaboration with Science Whiz Liz

Data from VAERS
7.1 million doses (5.1M first doses, 2m second doses):
14 reports of myocarditis – 8 reports met CDC working case definition for myocarditis
4 male and 4 female
After dose 1 = 2 cases; after dose 2 = 6 casesIn 6 reports with known outcomes5 fully recovered.
All cases were mild.
Data from V-SAFE:
41,232 participants
Dose 1: 41,232 Dose 2: 23,583
Reactions were mild to moderate, temporary & did not cause significant issues.
Per CDC:
Most common adverse events were those seen in trials and were mild and expected.
Side effects were mild to moderate and short term.
Less than 10% of kids missed school due to side effects post vaccination.
Less than 1% reported seeking medical care
Reports of myocarditis were rare and mild. Risk is lower than seen in the teen age group.
The Pfizer vaccine is safe and effective in children ages 5-11.